How to Write Good SEO Content



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Good SEO Content

Learn how to write good SEO content from an expert and why it makes sense to have a skilled and experienced contract SEO content writer managing your website. You can then focus on the business of your business.

Good SEO Content Is: Easy to Read

When you visit a website for information, reading the content should be easy and quick. Ideally, your website visitors should finish reading a standard article of about 350 words within a few minutes. This is why a knowledgeable SEO content writer knows that it’s important to write at a 6th to 8th grade reading level. The internet is a fast-paced environment and people need to get what they need quickly and move on. If they are re-reading long, confusing sentences with complicated words and trying to determine the meaning, your content needs better SEO optimization.

Good SEO Content Includes: Keyword Research

Before you even begin writing for SEO optimization, you have to do keyword research. A number of tools are available online that can help you research the average monthly searches for keywords and how competitive they are on search engines. The sweet spot for an SEO content writer is finding a keyword or phrase that has a high number of searches with low competition. Then you must distribute those keywords and keyword phrases throughout your content. Identifying long-tailed keywords (those with three or more words) can be very beneficial for your site.

Good SEO Content Is: Well-Organized

When writing for SEO optimization whether it is a blog post, landing page or product description, you have to create a logical outline for the material for readability and optimization. Ideally, the keywords will be located in headings (H1, H2, H3 etc) and at least once per 100 words. However, they have to fit into the content naturally. An experienced SEO content writer can help you organize your content and your overall site navigation to attract more traffic.

Good SEO Content Is: Grammatically Correct

Most search engines want to promote web content writing for SEO that is grammatically correct and spell-checked for accuracy. It’s a sign that the article or blog post was not created by an AI robot program, repurposing (article spinning) software or non-native speaking writer. Keep in mind that in some cases it is fine to include a misspelled word here and there in your content or metatags if it is what your target visitors are accidentally typing into search engines. For example, “avocodo chips” instead of “avocado chips” or “hemarrhoid treatments instead of “hemorrhoid treatments.” Sometimes those little spelling mistakes will bring increased traffic.

Good SEO Content Is: Factual and Informative

Some people may try to convince you that having factual information doesn’t matter that much online, as long as you include keywords. However, you can put your business at a significant disadvantage (both in the short and long-term) if you knowingly publish incorrect information on your company’s website. To write good SEO content, you must do research to ensure that your words are true and factual.

If your website’s traffic has been lagging, hire a contract SEO content writer who can help increase your number of visitors and potential sales over the coming months. If you found this page from a search engine, there’s your proof that the Corporate Problem Solver can help. Get in touch today.

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