SEO Web Content Writing

SEO Content writing success
Hey there, did you find this page because you did a search for SEO web content writing on a search engine? If so, then you have instant proof that hiring The Corporate Problem Solver will help your business. Want the same results for your company’s website?

Nothing makes an online business owner or manager smile from ear to ear quite like receiving a notification that says “Item Sold!” or “New Order!” For service companies who are trying to raise their visibility and attract new business, every web visitor has the potential to become a long-term customer. But how do you get someone to not only find your website online but to also click to your “Buy Now” page and generate a sale? Hiring a skilled SEO web content writer is the preferred way to bring relevant traffic to your website organically (without paying for ads). You want visitors who are motivated to buy something. Learn more about web content writing for SEO and how you can optimize your company’s website for online success.

The Basics and Importance of SEO Content Writing

SEO, short for search engine optimization, is the process of designing a website and its content so that it draws web traffic on a consistent basis. When you do a search on a website like Bing, DuckDuckGo or Google, you probably only browse the first or second pages of results in the interest of time, right? How many people go 10 or 15 pages deep to find answers on search engines? Not many.

So, the goal of writing for SEO optimization is to get your website to rank on the first or second page of search engine results for popular keywords related to your product or service. Search engine optimization is crucial if you ever want your website to be noticed and to achieve a higher page rank.

How an SEO Content Writer Helps Your Website

If you have found this website, it is likely a direct result of my SEO writing work. These are some of the benefits of hiring an SEO web content writer to consider:

  • You pay a one-time fee to a skilled writer instead of having to fund a continuous ad budget to keep traffic rolling in.
  • Search engines like Bing and Google give preference to websites that consistently provide valuable, well-written content.
  • In addition to optimizing the site’s content for searches, SEO content also adds value for the potential customer by providing necessary information and answers to common questions.
  • Though it can take several months to see results in the form of higher traffic after hiring an SEO web content writer, once you establish your website with search engine optimization it will likely continue to bring in new visitors indefinitely. You can count on web traffic for as long as the website is functional.

Creating an SEO-based Content Strategy

Choosing keywords and keyword phrases related to your business that historically receive a significant amount of traffic with minimal competition maximizes your chance of being seen in internet searches. This is called keyword research.

Compiling a list of keywords and keyword phrases is an essential step in your content strategy. Other key steps include:

  • Determining your goals for the website. For example, how many unique visitors do you want to reach your site each month? How do you want visitors to navigate through your website?
  • Identifying and gathering research on your target audience (which will help guide your keyword research).
  • Deciding what type of content you want to produce (blog posts, articles, landing pages for selling products and services, or videos).
  • Developing a plan that outlines the exact content (titles and pages) you want to create.
  • Tracking and evaluating the site’s performance over a period of time (usually each month).
  • Continually adding fresh content to increase traffic and add value to the user experience when visitors come to your website.

Your website needs a personal touch from an experienced SEO content writer. As “the problem solver” I can evaluate your website and tell you what you have to change to improve traffic flow.

Though my main focus is on web content writing for SEO to optimize your website, I can help you with a full content strategy upon request. Just send me a message here.

** The Corporate Problem Solver is US-based yet, we can also provide translation services for your content if needed. **

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